Housing provider pledges to build 1,800 affordable homes in Devon
A leading housing association is set to build around 1,800 affordable homes in Devon over the next five years as part of a £1billion investment in the regional economy.
As the largest housing provider in the South West, LiveWest has more than 16,000 homes in Devon and currently owns more than 40,000 homes across the South West.
LiveWest has stepped up its investment in the county over the past year after building 381 affordable homes over the last year.
In Teignbridge 113 affordable homes were built, with 102 in Exeter, 73 in South Hams, 42 in Plymouth, 21 in West Devon, 14 in both East Devon and Mid Devon and two in Torbay.
And there are more plans in the pipeline for the current financial year.
In Exeter, a total of 116 affordable homes will be developed at sites across the city during this financial year.
At Rinsgwell Avenue, 29 rented and 10 shared ownership will be developed, while 35 affordable homes will be completed at Pinhoe Quarry. Some 36 affordable homes will also see new residents move in across two sites in Exwick.
In Plymouth, 43 homes will be developed with 19 of those forming part of a self-build military veterans project called Stirling House in Honicknowle and 24 rented homes completed at the former St Budeaux Library site.
Elsewhere, an additional 43 new homes will be developed at Cranbrook, on the outskirts of Exeter, while 34 will be completed in both Bideford and Tavistock.
Paul Crawford, Chief Executive for LiveWest, said: “The South West continues to experience a huge demand for affordable homes which makes our commitment to increasing the number of low cost rented housing in Devon ever more important.
“Despite the challenges of the last year, we have achieved a surplus which will be reinvested in new affordable homes and in improving the condition of our existing homes.
“We have built 1,153 new homes this year, of which 82% are affordable. We have also invested more into our existing homes with a £89m investment which is £15m more than last year.
“These improvements include significant expenditure on building safety, energy efficiency and significant upgrades to homes.
“Our results place us in good stead to continue to improve the services we provide for our customers and fulfil our social purpose, while having the continued financial capacity to withstand external economic factors, including inflationary and interest rate pressures.
“We are well positioned to make the sizeable investments necessary to build more homes, maintain quality standards, make our existing homes more sustainable and create thriving inclusive communities where everyone can improve their life chances.
“Deepening our customer relationships is pivotal for LiveWest and our sustained efforts to meet our customers’ needs are highlighted with an 86% satisfaction rate.”
LiveWest annual report and financial statements highlight a £76m operating surplus which lays solid foundations for it to build more than 5,000 affordable homes across the region in the next five years.
The organisation’s investment plans over the next five years will sustain 6,000 jobs in the building and supply chain, protecting livelihoods and offering fresh opportunities.
LiveWest is the one of the region’s largest employers with more than skilled and enthusiastic staff and currently has more than 50 apprentices working across the organisation.