Surge in cancer rates in young adults highlights critical role of hospice
Recent findings from Cancer Research UK reveals a worrying surge in cancer rates among the under-50s, with an increase of 24% over the past two decades.
Now, almost 100 young people are diagnosed with cancer daily – totalling approximately 35,000 new cases per year. This rise in diagnoses underscores the growing need for specialist end-of-life care for young adults, and highlights the essential support that Rowcroft Hospice provides for adults of all ages in South Devon.
Among the hospice’s young patients was Miles Lloyd from Torquay who was just 24 when he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of lymphoma (lymphatic cancer) in 2019. Facing a terminal prognosis in May 2021, Miles chose to spend his final weeks at home with the support of Rowcroft’s Hospice at Home team. Surrounded by his loved ones, including his beloved dog, Skye, Miles found comfort and peace in a familiar setting until he passed away in August 2021.
Michelle Lloyd, Miles’ widow, recalls the importance of this support in those final precious weeks: “Being able to stay at home – where he felt safe, relaxed and comfortable - meant everything to him. He was so unhappy in hospitals, and his biggest fear was being alone. Thanks to Rowcroft, he was able to stay at home for his final weeks, surrounded by everything he loved, including his dog, and close to me.
"Rowcroft nurses came out to see him, bringing everything that we needed and providing a syringe driver to give him morphine. I will never forget the relief that I saw on his face when the morphine took effect, and the staff were so good at making him laugh and raising his spirits.
"I am so thankful for everything that they did.”Rowcroft’s Hospice at Home team became an invaluable part of the young couple’s life, offering a steady presence and guidance during this difficult time. Michelle remembers that the care was personal, compassionate and delivered so naturally:
“They’d arrive, have a chat, and they became like a part of the family. It felt like they were devoted to us, and they had time to spend with us.”
Rowcroft’s Complementary Therapy team also provided support and solace for Michelle. “I was offered massage when I was struggling to come to terms with what was happening. I had spent all my time being strong for Miles and Rowcroft helped me to realise that I needed some time out as well. I found the massage so relaxing and peaceful, and it was lovely to have someone looking after me for a change. It was a little bit of time away from the hell that I was living.”
For Michelle, Rowcroft’s support was invaluable: “Without the hospice, we wouldn’t have got through the last stage of Miles’ life,” said Michelle. “The Rowcroft team were not just caregivers; they became friends. It made all the difference during the hardest time of our lives, and their support was invaluable.”
Miles’ story underlines the importance of hospice care tailored to young adults, and the crucial support that Rowcroft offers. It also highlights the need for continued community support to make such care available to others facing life-limiting illness, as the charity continues to rely on the generosity of the local community for 75% of its funding.
During recent months, Rowcroft has indicated that the financial pressures facing the charity are significant – due to many factors including stalled funding, a national drop in charitable giving, an escalating demand for end-of-life care services and rising costs. The charity stresses that the support of the community is paramount to ensure the continuation of vital services.
To find out more about Rowcroft’s care, or to make a donation, please go to: www.rowcrofthospice.org.uk