Pink planter unveiled at Derriford Hospital to support breast cancer awareness
A pink planter has been unveiled outside Derriford Hospital to help raise awareness for the importance of breast screening. The planter, which was unveiled on Monday 9 October to coincide with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, was made possible thanks to help and support from The Primrose Foundation, Denholm Industrial Services and Nevada Construction.
Speaking about her vision for the planter, and hopes to spread breast awareness, Kayleigh Davenport, a Breast Screening Nurse at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust (UHP), said: “As a Breast Screening Nurse part of my role is to raise awareness and provide health promotion on breast health and being Breast aware. I wanted to create a visual reminder to raise awareness of the importance of breast screening.
“Everyone loves flowers, plants, and wildlife so I decided to create a pink primrose planter to remind those who may be due to book their mammogram to attend their appointment. I believe it is also a great prompt for everyone to be breast-aware”.
Kayleigh continues: ‘’I would like to say a personal thank you to The Primrose Foundation, Denholm Industrial Services and Nevada Construction who all generously helped to fund the planter, soil, and flowers. I would also like to thank the grounds team at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, in particular, Emma who has been instrumental in coordinating this project.
The plan is to have the planter in bloom all year round therefore if anyone would like to help maintain the flowers, please contact info@primrosefoundation.org.”
The Primrose Breast Care Centre located at Derriford Hospital is designed to provide a dedicated facility for investigating, diagnosing, and treating breast disease and breast cancer. It sees over 27,000 patients per year from GP referrals and breast screenings.
The centre provides specialist support, by providing a wide range of care, support, and information for patients. These services include helping to prepare individuals for surgery, and a prosthesis fitting service, which helps restore body image for those who have had mastectomies.
For more information on the support provided by the Primrose Breast Care Centre, or to find more information about breast screening, please visit their page on the trust website: https://www.plymouthhospitals.nhs.uk/primrose-breast-care-centre/