Call for blood donors in Plymouth

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 23:19

By now many New Year’s Resolutions will be long forgotten but there’s still plenty of time to do something amazing in 2017. Why not make it the year you start saving lives?

Doing something good this year doesn’t have to mean giving something up. We’re asking people in Plymouth to give blood.

In just one hour of your time you could save or improve up to three lives. Proud, helpful and happy are the top three words people chose to describe how they felt after their most recent blood donation.

In general, as long as you are fit and healthy, weigh over 7 stone 12 lbs (50kg) and are aged between 17 and 66 (up to 70 if you have given blood before) you should be able to give blood. If you are over 70, you need to have given blood in the last two years to continue donating. Why not check the donation criteria on the website. Many people who believe they can’t donate, may discover they can.

NHS Blood and Transplant always needs first time donors to replace those who can’t donate any more, and to ensure we have the right mix of blood groups to meet patient needs. It’s especially important that we recruit younger people to donate blood and we are particularly looking for new donors from black and Asian communities, and donors with the universal blood group O negative.

It’s quick and easy to register to become a blood donor, visit, download a give blood app, search 'NHSGiveBlood' in the app store or contact 0300 123 23 23. Then you can book your first appointment to start saving lives, we have various sessions running in the area including regularly at Plymouth Donor Centre, Ground and First Floor, Derriford Hospital, Derriford Road, Plymouth, PL6 8DH.

If you’ve registered but haven’t yet donated, please book an appointment. We’d love to welcome you to Plymouth Donor Centre this year.

Deborah Smith
Plymouth Donor Centre Manager
