'Being Together' event a great success
An event to support patients living with and beyond ovarian cancer, held at the Holiday Inn in Plymouth, was a great success.
The 'Being Together' day was hosted by the Target Ovarian Cancer Charity, which works to improve early diagnosis, fund life-saving research and provide much-needed support to women with ovarian cancer. It was also assisted by Fran Jones, Gynae-Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist at Derriford Hospital, who helped to co-ordinate local and regional participation.
The day consisted of workshops, which included relaxation, taking time for yourself and campaigning for change. Discussions also included recent research developments, their results and recognising the need for patients to participate in trials to progress our knowledge. It was also recognised that research would help to encourage earlier recognition of the disease and determine both the best current treatments and also to help to develop new ones.
The day also included an expert panel session, where patients’ had the opportunity to ask questions concerning their condition, treatments, follow up support and management. The panel consisted of Mr Geoff Hughes, Consultant Gynaecologist, Dr Dennis Yiannakis, Consultant Oncologist, Fran Jones, Clinical Nurse Specialist, all from Derriford Hospital and Debbie Fitzgerald, Clinical Nurse Specialist from Torbay.
Fran Jones said: “The event was very well supported with over 65 patients from across the South West Region attending. The patient feedback was excellent, many said how empowering and informative it had been, as well as it being a fun day out!
“The patients also felt that 'being together' with other women diagnosed with the same condition had been helpful and supportive.”
The Target Ovarian Cancer Charity was delighted with the number of patients that had attended from such a wide geographical region. It was one of the largest events that they had hosted.