Wine will help keep the barrels rolling!
A new fundraising initiative by Ottery St Mary’s Carnival Committee is certain to appeal to wine lovers everywhere.
Profits from two exclusively branded ‘Tar Barrels’ wines will help with the escalating costs of running the world famous event.
Last year it cost around £70,000 to fund, including insurance charges, event management and attendance by St John’s Ambulance. The Committee is hoping to raise at least £4,000 through this new initiative.
Landlord of The Volunteer Inn, Mike Down said: “Each year we have to look at adding new ways of raising funds to keep the barrels rolling - and this idea looks like a potential winner!
“We’re hoping everyone will get behind this new fundraising stream – not only will people enjoy drinking these wines, but they will also make brilliant presents and raise awareness of our fantastic town.”
The two Italian wines, a Rosso Puglio and Bianca Terre Siciliane, were specially selected by local expert Chris Piper of Christopher Piper Wines. They are extremely drinkable and will appeal to most palates.
Mike adds that there are plans afoot to offer the wines in gift sets that could include glasses etched with the instantly recognisable tar barrel logo. “And we’re currently in talks with Lyme Bay Winery looking at the option of introducing some Tar Barrels spirits in the future.”
Priced at just £11 per bottle or £60 for six bottles, these delicious wines will be available to purchase at the Tar Barrels Merchandise shop in Silver Street and the Volunteer Inn in Broad Street. Sales will swell the Carnival Committee coffers alongside existing income derived from other initiatives including the Chanters House car show organised by the Dyer family and friends, bingo sessions at the football club, Carl Creek’s popular ‘Carnival Cricket’ and car parking fees.
The official launch of the wine takes place at The Volunteer Inn on Friday October 20 at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £10 to include wine tasting and nibbles, and are available to purchase from the pub in Broad Street, or by contacting otterycarnival@outlook.com