Land Trust to be developed for new growers and farmers in the Tamar Valley
Tamar Grow Local will be creating a land trust of starter horticultural units in the Tamar Valley aimed at reinvigorating mid-scale production in the area.
The starter units will enable new entrants into agriculture to access 1-3 acre parcels of land at an affordable cost and utilise business support, training, equipment share and access to markets. Alongside the starter units, a not-for-profit brokerage system will be developed for these new and existing growers to sell their produce in the local area.
Investment from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation has been secured to kick-start the project, Since the decline in the market gardening and fruit industry from the 1950’s with the advent of imported produce, production has declined. Currently less than half the area is in active production, most of which is grazing.
Simon Platten, Project Manager for Tamar Grow Local said: "It is very difficult for those from non-farming families or those wanting to enter agriculture to get a foot through the gate. We will be offering practical help in a number of different ways to incentivise new entrants to the sector."
Simon continued: "The current food supply chain is polarised, at one extreme larger producers supplying supermarkets through national supply chains or through a few wholesalers, and at the other extreme small producers and microbusinesses only able to engage with very localised and restricted markets, We want to help new entrants and encourage scaling up of production whilst minimising risk and investment for smaller growers."
Laurence Scott, Grants Manager for the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation said: “We’re really pleased to be able to provide support for the project as it responds well to the Foundation’s interests in more sustainable forms of food production and consumption, and offers an excellent package of support that will attract new growers in an area with a long tradition of high-quality local food supply.”
Corinna Woodall Manager of the Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty said that "with such an important heritage of growing and producing food from this valley, support for projects such as this are really important in providing employment and skills and boosting the local economy, but also helping to connect people to locally grown food and the landscape they value."
Tamar Grow Local would like to hear from anyone interested in starter horticultural units in the Tamar Valley.
Confirmed growing sites will be announced in Spring 2015.