Marine Academy Primary judged 'Outstanding' for a second time
STAFF, pupils and parents have started back after the early May bank holiday with a genuine ‘spring’ in their step after the government’s education watchdog, Ofsted once again praised Marine Academy Primary and judged the school ‘Outstanding’.
The St Budeaux academy, part of the Ted Wragg Trust, was judged ‘Outstanding’ in every category, putting the school in the top 10 percent of schools in England.
The inspectors praised school staff and leaders throughout the report, noting: ‘they are highly successful in raising pupils’ aspirations and reducing social disadvantage. Leaders place no ceiling on any pupil’s learning or ambitions’.
The report, which covered everything from the quality of education and how the academy is led and managed to its pupils’ behaviour and attitudes, and their personal development reported that: ‘Pupils’ behaviour is impeccable. Leaders have developed a culture where only the very best will do’.
‘Leaders meticulously plan opportunities to enrich the curriculum. Pupils benefit enormously from first hand experiences to complement their learning. These include visits to places of worship, talks from experts and residential trips to London and Paris’, said the report.
The inspectors added: ‘The headteacher and other leaders set exceptionally high expectations. They are determined that all pupils leave the school as confident and lifelong learners’.
And, say the inspectors, ‘Leaders have crafted an innovative curriculum. Right from early years, it captures pupils’ interests and imagination’.
The report adds: ‘Parents and carers are positive about the education their children receive. One said, ‘The school goes above and beyond every single day.’ And that, ‘Pupils with SEND achieve highly in all subjects’.
Headteacher, Siobhan Meredith who has been the Headteacher at Marine Academy Primary since 2015, is thrilled with the report, she said: “This Ofsted outcome is a credit to every stakeholder at Marine Academy Primary. We have a fantastic staff team who work incredibly hard to make sure we deliver an excellent curriculum and always put children first.
“The Marine Academy parents have played a huge part, most significantly in supporting their child’s learning but also in their unfaltering support for the Academy too. Finally, this successful grading is a credit to the effort that our children put in, their impeccable behaviour and exceptional manners. We could not more proud of the incredible human beings that they all are.”
Claire Jones, Head of School added: “Marine Academy Primary truly is a special place to learn and work because ambition, love and an unfaltering moral purpose is at the heart of everything we do. We are so proud that Ofsted recognised that everyone within the Academy truly does embody ‘work hard, be kind and amazing things will happen’.”
"This is an absolutely glowing report. Every area inspected is judged to be ‘Outstanding’. Ofsted has rightly reported that we have many outstanding teachers and high aspirations for our children. The report details our outstanding initiatives which have brought about excellent and consistent development of personal and lifelong learning skills for our children, and I am particularly pleased that Ofsted has recognised our outstanding work to develop pupils’ opportunities beyond the academic.” said Moira Marder, CEO of the Ted Wragg Trust.
Further highlights of the report include:
- Leaders show a strong commitment to all staff
- Staff are highly trained and knowledgeable.
- Leaders are quick to identify potential barriers to learning for disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
- Pupils with SEND enjoy the same opportunities to take part in the school’s ambitious curriculum as their peers.
- Pupils are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to contribute positively to the school and the wider world.
The inspection took place over two days on 15 and 16 March. This was the first Ofsted inspection the academy had received since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
The Academy has 420 children from Reception to Year 6.