British Gas Energy Trust helps tackle fuel poverty
The British Gas Energy Trust has been established since 2004 and has helped over 120,000 individuals and families facing fuel poverty to clear their energy debts or with advice to help them get back on their feet.
Over the past 10 years the business has donated £75 million to the charity which has enabled the Trust to award grants to people in need to help them clear their energy debts, or support them with other assistance such as help with the repair or replacement of boilers, purchase energy efficient white goods, pay insolvency fees or provide assistance with funeral arrears.
Among the organisations across the UK where the Trust funds the presence of a dedicated energy adviser is Plymouth Energy Community (PEC).
Established in 2013 as a community benefit society, PEC aims to help the community reduce energy bills, improve energy efficiency, and generate a green energy supply in the city.
Paul Elliott, PEC Advisor, explains: “Our goal at Plymouth Energy Community is to spread knowledge of the financial services available to those in need as well as laying down the foundation for a greener community in Plymouth. From informing community members on insulation schemes to educating residents on their energy bills.”
Working with The British Gas Energy Trust, the organisation looks to support those whose circumstances have led to fuel debt to access funding to alleviate the stress of their situation, and get them back on their feet.
Among the people to have received help through the service is Miss. A, a single woman approaching retirement age who lives alone. After being diagnosed with a number of health conditions including Osteoarthritis , underactive Thyroid, Hiatus Hernia, Labrynthitis, and sleep apnoea - which she is trying to control via CPAP machines which require high volumes of electricity - she took a voluntary redundancy in 2011 and over the past two years has found it increasingly difficult to cover the cost of gas and electricity.
After a telephone appointment with Paul Elliott from Plymouth Energy Communities, Paul identified the client’s needs and assisted her in applying for funds to clear her fuel debt from the British Gas Energy Trust. To help Miss A track her energy usage for the future, Paul requested that she be put on Priority Services Register (PSR) Meters that are read more regularly.
Miss A is keen to move forward and believes this is a “life changing service for someone like me who was worried about debt when I became in receipt of benefits after being ill.”
Another person to have received support from the British Gas Energy Trust is Ms. T after suffering from a sudden stroke and then subsequently depression. Ms. T’s situation worsened after a family bereavement and her substance misuse accelerated making her unable to deal with day to day tasks. She eventually accessed professional support which enabled her to re-engage with society.
Since accessing help, Ms. T is working hard to rebuild her life and clear her previous debts, including energy debt. Ms. T was supported by advisors at Plymouth Energy Community and fitted with an electricity prepayment meter. She also received support in making her application to clear fuel debt, which was made possible by the British Gas Energy Trust.
After clearing her debt, Ms. T has recently begun a course of study and is more optimistic about her future. She intends to continue her studies and gain a place at University.
Ms. T is appreciative of the help she received and explains: “What a relief it is knowing good organisations like yours work together with charities to achieve positive outcomes for difficult situations.”