Bigger team to tackle rogue landlords in Plymouth
Plymouth’s expanding its team to get tougher with rogue landlords in the city and improve support for tenants.
£68,000 of funding has been awarded to the City Council by the Department for Communities and Local Government. A new support worker will be recruited to help tenants who are suffering at the hands of unscrupulous landlords and the inspection programme will be extended.
The team will take a new approach to tackling poor housing and landlords who refuse to improve their properties, bringing together enforcement and support for tenants.
Inspections of properties will be increased and landlords will be served with legal notices when needed so they are forced to improve poor standard properties. The new support worker will help vulnerable tenants who are living in poor quality accommodation and work with other agencies in the city to identify and tackle rogue landlords at an early stage.
Cabinet member for Co-operatives and Community Development, Councillor Chris Penberthy said: “We know there is some poor quality housing in the private rented sector and some landlords who do not fulfil their responsibilities. Many of these landlord provide tenancies for vulnerable people.
This funding will help us expand the work we’re doing with our partners to protect vulnerable people who are living in poorly maintained and poorly managed accommodation and, where needed, take action to force landlords to improve standards.
“I am pleased that this will help us to work together with those tenants in the city who most need our support.”
Training will also be given to local managing agents and landlords to ensure they are aware of their responsibilities and the standards required in properties.