Major road repair programme continues in Plymouth
A major programme to repair some of the most severely damaged roads in Plymouth is continuing throughout July.
This month more than 32 sites on eight roads are scheduled to be patched. Patching involves resurfacing large areas of road where multiple potholes have developed and the general surface quality is deteriorating. Amey, Plymouth City Council’s highways contractor, is carrying out the work as part of a programme of patching that started in June and will continue until mid-July.
This follows a recent ‘blitz’ that saw more than 2,000 of Plymouth’s worst potholes permanently repaired.
Larger-scale resurfacing on whole roads and larger sections of road will begin later in July, alongside protective micro-asphalting on other roads at risk of damage. The work will take place through the summer holiday, when the roads are less busy. A schedule of works will be announced shortly.
These works form part of the additional £2 million investment the Council has pledged to make in road maintenance every year for the next decade.
Councillor Mark Coker, Cabinet Member for Transport said: “Our additional investment in the city’s highways network means road users should be starting to notice tangible improvements as they travel around Plymouth. This is a major road repair programme, despite funding cuts from central Government, which will continue through to the autumn. We can’t repair every road right away though, so ask residents and businesses to be patient as we roll this programme out across the city over the coming months.”
For this month’s patching programme Amey’s street inspectors have selected and prioritised roads based on which are the most damaged. Patching will range from 140 to 2,143 square metres in size. Local residents and businesses near the works are being notified in advance by letter. Where road closures are required, diversion routes will be signed and access for residents will be maintained wherever possible.
The roads being repaired through July’s patching programme are:
Monday 1 July (day)
Drunken Bridge Hill - Road closed from Ridge Road to Copse Road. Diversion via Merafield Road.
Tuesday 2 July (day)
Vinery Lane - Whole road closed. Diversion via Sherford Road to Plympton Hill. Residents’ access maintained.
Tuesday 2 July & Wednesday 3 July (day)
Ridge Road - Road closed from Drunken Bridge Hill to Plympton Hill. Diversion via Merafield Road.
Monday 8 July (night)
Efford Lane - Road closed from Old Laira Road to Western Drive. Diversion via Western Drive and Wycliffe Road.
Tuesday 9 July (night)
Keswick Crescent - Road closed from Miller Way to Yewdale Gardens. Diversion via Miller Way.
Tuesday 9 July (night)
Coypool Road - Two-way traffic lights after 7pm.
Wednesday 10 July (night)
Mount Gould Road - Road closed between Lipson Road and Craven Avenue (diversion via Ladysmith Road) and also between Farringdon Road and Beaumont Road (diversion via Farringdon Road).
Thursday 11 July (night)
Embankment Road - Single lane closure, roughly between Lanhydrock Road and the freight yard near Arnold's Point.
For more information about the patching programme visit www.plymouth.gov.uk/potholes and the online roadworks map at www.plymouth.gov.uk/roadworksmap