City council gets 'app-y
Residents and visitors to Plymouth can now report a range of issues to the Council by using the My Plymouth mobile phone app.
Suitable for Blackberry, iPhone and Android smart phones the app can be used to report dog fouling, fly tipping, fly posting, graffiti, street cleaning and abandoned vehicles.
Photos, videos and relevant information can be sent through the app to the Council’s Customer Services Team who will report the problem to the relevant department.
Mapping software on smart phones will be able to pin point the exact location of the item being reported which will help teams locate when responding. This will also help us to deal with customer reports quicker and more efficiently.
Cabinet Member for Environment, Councillor Brian Vincent said: “With advances in technology and more and more people using social media we want to make it easier for people to use their smart phones to report issues to us. It’s quick, it’s easy and it helps us identify items that need to be addressed. It’s also another pledge delivered that we promised residents.”
The Plymouth App also provides access to events, news, bin collection dates and information on libraries and planned road works and will includes additional services as the app is developed.
You can download the app on the Council’s website at www.plymouth.gov.uk/apps
Residents without smartphones can continue to report issues on the Council’s website or by calling 01752 668000.