What Causes ED And How To Treat It
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a surprisingly common condition, with recent research suggesting that it impacts men of all ages, even if it is more common amongst those aged 40 and over.
So what are the reasons that someone might suffer from ED and are there any effective ways to treat it?
Physical & mental causes
A whole range of factors can play a part in triggering ED, ranging from pre-existing, underlying medical conditions that impact you physically, such as heart disease and obesity, right up to purely psychological complications such as stress, depression and anxiety.
Medical experts also agree that there are some causes over which you have more control than others; specifically overindulging in alcohol is a major influence over sexual performance and impotence can easily arise if you drink to excess. Likewise smoking tobacco is often linked to ED because of the other health complications that it causes over time.
If the causes are psychological, ED can become a self-perpetuating problem that is both the result of and catalyst to low self-esteem, amongst other things. Other complications, such as relationship issues, can make ED more likely.
Treatment options
The route you take to treat ED will depend on the root causes that you are facing. For example, if you are facing a psychological barrier to satisfying sex that you cannot overcome alone, you can buy viagra from Manual and quickly find the solution to the issues you face.
Of course if your ED is a symptom of some other underlying physical health problem, you may need to take additional action to alleviate it. Speaking with your doctor or visiting a sexual health clinic will let you get the professional advice and guidance that is tailored to your unique circumstances.
Lifestyle changes to make
It is not always necessary to pursue medical intervention in the case that you find yourself suffering from erectile dysfunction. Experts suggest that there are a few changes you can make to your day to day life in order to see improvements in this area.
For example, exercising regularly and changing your diet to include more healthy foods will help you to lose weight, which will help those with obesity to gain a whole raft of benefits in their health and happiness, including fewer instances of ED. Just be sure not to include cycling as part of your healthier lifestyle, as this can actually exacerbate erectile issues.
If you are stressed or anxious in day to day life, take steps to move away from situations and circumstances which create this kind of mental disruption, if possible.
Furthermore if you are a drinker, aim to keep your weekly consumption below 14 units, which is in line with NHS recommendations.
Ultimately it should be obvious that if you take a healthier approach to life, prioritising both your physical and mental health, then ED is definitely treatable. If the problem persists, get medical advice and follow it to make positive changes.