Plymouth people’s best and worst sounds revealed
CAR alarms, snoring and the screech of nails down a blackboard are the noises that most annoy Plymouth people the most, whereas sounds such as music and birdsong are among life’s greatest pleasures in the South West’s biggest city.
The Specsavers survey[1] also reveals how much hearing means to Plymouth residents – two thirds (61%) say losing it would seriously affect their enjoyment of life, while three quarters (73%) fear losing their hearing as they get older.
The nation’s top 10 favourite sounds: 1. Favourite music (48%) 2. Waves crashing on the shore/birdsong (41%) 3. A babbling river (34%) 4. Rain falling on my window (33%) 5. A crackling fire/children laughing (30%) 6. A baby chuckling (29%) 7. Walking on snow/a cat purring/my partner laughing (26%) 8. The voices of your children (24%) 9. A piano playing/the crunch of leaves beneath my feet (23%) 10. A guitar being played (19%) |
With recent research from the University of Manchester showing that hearing loss can be one of the after effects of Covid-19[2], Specsavers is keen to ensure that people do all they can to protect one of their most precious senses.
The study shows that it is the simple things in life that we appreciate hearing the most. More than half of Plymouth people (54%) say their most-loved sound is their favourite music, closely followed by waves crashing on the shore and birdsong (both 51%). A third also enjoy hearing rain falling on the window (34%), with 39% liking the crackle of a fire.
Plymouth’s least favourite sounds: 1. Car alarms that won’t turn off (51%) 2. Nails down a blackboard (49%) 3. Music you hate (49%) 4. Arguing (39%) 5. Dentist’s drill (34%) 6. Knife scraping on crockery (34%) Snoring (24%) 7. A fire alarm (29%) 8. Other people chewing (27%) 9. Drilling (24%) 10. People clicking their joints (24%) |
Sound also plays a big role in our day-to-day feelings and emotions - 95% of Plymouth people say that hearing a sound they like puts them in a good mood, while conversely 54% say that they can’t enjoy themselves if they are hearing a noise they find irritating. As well as car alarms that won’t turn off, other annoying noises include chewing and people clicking their joints.
Specsavers chief audiologist Gordon Harrison says: ‘As our research shows, hearing plays such an important role in our lives. We get pleasure in hearing the sounds we love and it enables us to communicate with friends and family. So we shouldn’t take it for granted - something which 63% of Plymouth people think is easily done.
The research also revealed the top five most missed sounds during lockdown: 1. Laughter with friends (37%) 2. Waves crashing on the shore (29%) 3. A live band (20%) 4. A busy bar (17%) 5. The cheer that goes up when their team scores a goal (12%) |
‘That is why it is so important we do all we can to protect our hearing, yet on average it takes someone 10 years to get their hearing checked. You should seek the advice of an audiologist as soon as you notice any changes, such as conversation becoming more muffled or if you notice the volume on the TV is starting to creep up.
‘If you have been affected by Covid-19 you may also have experienced changes to your hearing, such as deterioration or tinnitus. While hearing loss cannot be reversed, there are lots of things which can be done to help. So if you notice any changes at all, make sure you book an appointment to see your audiologist.’
Specsavers is open for audiology appointments throughout the UK. Customers will need to request an appointment online (www.specsavers.co.uk/hearing/request-form) or call their local store first for advice and to be assessed on the level of care that they might need. In the first instance, care and support will be provided remotely, if possible, using its RemoteCare video and telephone consultation service.
For more information or to request an appointment, visit www.specsavers.co.uk/hearing
[1] Specsavers 2020 audiology survey carried out on 1,507 respondents by Perspectus Global
[2] https://www.manchester.ac.uk/discover/news/hearing-deterioration-reported-by-discharged-covid-19-patients/