It’s Mothers’ Day every day at Paignton Zoo!

Authored by Paigntonzoo
Posted: Sunday, March 30, 2014 - 10:12

Paignton Zoo’s two orang utan mothers are being kept busy by their offspring.

Mali gave birth on Thursday 11th April 2013. Her female baby was named Tatau after a public vote. Chinta gave birth on Sunday 22nd December. Natalia was named by readers of the Herald Express.

Both have been photographed by Paignton Zoo volunteer Ray Wiltshire.

The Bornean orang utan (Pongo pygmaeus) is threatened by hunting, the pet trade and the destruction of its rainforest habitat. Forest is being destroyed to create palm oil plantations. Given the declining populations, measures such as switching to alternative oil products and maintaining sustainable populations of orangs in zoos are becoming ever more important.

Staff are working to remove as much palm oil as possible from both Paignton Zoo and Living Coasts. Curator of Mammals Neil Bemment is vice-coordinator of the orang-utan European Endangered species Programme, which coordinates the efforts of top European zoos to conserve the species.

Paignton Zoo’s group of Bornean orang-utans is made up of male Demo (aged 14) and females Gambira (16), Chinta (22) and Mali (18). Paignton Zoo Environmental Park is a registered charity. For more information go to or ring 0844 474 2222.
