Plymouth actor to premiere short film

Sarah Parker
Authored by Sarah Parker
Posted: Tuesday, July 2, 2019 - 13:50

Plymouth-born actor Aaron James Deakins, after being cast as "Robbie" in The film Alien Outbreak, has recently created his own film production company Testosterone Films.

His aim was to create his own work for himself and his fellow actors who enjoyed the screen side of acting, feeling the only opportunities around were for theatre and short films.

He created his first feature length, currently in the post production stage, called "Shadow Division".

As well as Shadow Division he will be teaming back up with fellow actor and filmaker Adam Nancholas to premiere his most recent short film Tape 51.

Tape 51 will be a short found footage horror film, which will be premiering at the Plymouth Arts Festival. A joint project with Ravensgrave films owned by Adam.

Shadow Division will also be premiered in the ACT Theatre in Kingston Upon Thames in London, Surrey.

In between his busy schedule of business trips to Los Angeles and living in London,  Aaron will be coming back to Plymouth to film and edit with his fellow actors/filmakers.