Get ready to #ShareYourSponge to help children learn
Sponge UK, a leading digital learning provider is inviting people to unlock a donation to charity by simply sharing a ‘sponge photo’ on social media.
The company will donate £1 for each photo of someone holding one of its complimentary sponges (or any creative sponge photo) uploaded with the hashtag #ShareYourSponge to Twitter or Instagram during 2017.*
The international charity, e-learning for kids will receive the money to support its goal of being a source of childhood learning on the internet available from anywhere and without charge.
Sponge UK will be launching the #ShareYourSponge campaign at Learning Technologies 2017, Europe’s largest L&D event, where the company will be handing out sustainably sourced, natural sponges.
“We have been giving away our promotional sponges at learning events for many years. They are always a talking point and we noticed that people sometimes post photos of their sponges as a bit of fun,” explained Louise Pasterfield, Managing Director, Sponge UK.
“We thought it would be great to turn this into a fundraising idea for a charity connected to our industry. We’re delighted to be supporting e-learning for kids and hoping to see lots of sponge photos appearing on social media!”
Established in 2004, e-learning for kids is a global, non-profit foundation dedicated to fun and free learning on the internet for children aged from 5 to 12.
The charity offers digital courseware, both online and offline, in topics such as math, science, language, arts, computers, health, life and environmental skills.
Founder and Chairman of e-learning for kids, Nick Van Dam, said: “We are thrilled to be partnering with Sponge UK on this unique fundraising campaign. As well as the financial donation, it’s a great way to raise awareness about our foundation and the free digital lessons we provide globally. It is fantastic that together we can reach more children, teachers and parents with education as the year begins!”
In 2016, e-learning for kids reported record usage of its online courses with more than 4.4 million digital lessons delivered worldwide. Additionally, more than 3,750 schools and over 2 million children benefited from offline access to the e-lessons.
Sponge UK is one of Europe’s leading providers of digital learning solutions and interactive learning experiences. The company is based in Plymouth and London, England.
“Get your hands on a sponge and post a photo to either Twitter or Instagram,” urged Louise Pasterfield. “But make sure you include the hashtag #ShareYourSponge so we can count the images and turn them into pounds!”
*Terms and Conditions:
1. Sponge UK will donate one pound in British sterling per each unique photo posted to Twitter or Instagram of a person or persons posing with one of its complimentary sponges and using the hashtag #ShareYourSponge. The company is committed to a minimum donation of £500 up to a maximum donation of £1,000, as part of the #ShareYourSponge campaign.
2. Sponge UK will also use its discretion in accepting other creative sponge photos posted to the hashtag #ShareYourSponge.
3. Retweets or shares of existing sponge photos will not qualify for a donation. Only the original photo, when first posted, will attract a £1 donation. Repeat posting of duplicate photos will not be accepted.
4. By posting a sponge photo to #ShareYourSponge you are giving permission for Sponge UK to include the image on its social media channels, its website or any publicity or promotion of the fundraising campaign.
5. The campaign officially starts at Learning Technologies 2017 on February 1 and will conclude on December 31.
6. Sponge UK retains the right to use its discretion in enforcing the rules above. The company reserves the right to terminate, modify or suspend the #ShareYourSponge fundraising campaign at any time, without notice.