Enterprising Plympton Academy students join Tenner Challenge
A group of enterprising students from Plympton Academy are learning business skills as part of the Tenner Challenge.
Selected students from Year 7 and 8 have been given a ten pound note which they can use to start a mini business to generate a profit.
The Tenner Challenge is a charity raising awareness of young enterprise and they have donated the ten pound notes to the school.
Businesses set up by the students range from a school shop, stress balloons, key rings made to order, a mobile tuck shop and a craft stall.
“I have loved the Tenner Challenge,” said Year 8 student, Ben Rowse. “It has been a great opportunity for me to test my business skills.”
Year 8 student, Petra Goodwin said, “It made us really think about how we could turn 10 pounds into more money. I have loved making the key rings to sell.”
Most teams have at least doubled their money already and one team, the mobile tuck shop, has already made 50 pounds.
“We are so proud of the effort they have put into the challenge,” said Head of Year 8, Jim Strachan.