Dartmouth Academy celebrate European Day of Languages
Staff and pupils at Dartmouth Academy, part of Education South West, have celebrated the European Day of Languages today (26th September.)
The idea of organising something to promote the importance of learning languages to the public was proposed at the 1997 conference on Language Learning for a new Europe.
The European Day of Languages was then launched back in 2001 after being initiated by the Council of Europe, in partnership with the European Commission. The Council of Europe believes that linguistic diversity helps to achieve greater intercultural understanding and should be promoted throughout the continent.
The day took on extra meaning this year as Merit, aged 14 from Germany is currently studying at the school. Her brother attended Dartmouth Academy for two terms ten years ago and contacted the school to see if his sister could have the same opportunity. He said he had never forgotten the brilliant time he had on his visit and Merit is enjoying her time in Dartmouth just as much. She has said how impressed she is with the school, its IT provision and the general feeling of kindness on site.
15 hubs were selected last year as part of a new programme by the Department for Education to boost languages in schools across the country. According to a 2022 report by RAND Corporation, a 10% increase in UK pupils learning Spanish or French at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 could increase UK gross domestic product over 30 years from £9.1 billion to £9.7 billion or £9.5 billion respectively.
At Dartmouth Academy, modern foreign languages are taught with opportunities to use the language in a real life context. This may involve reviewing a target language film, online shopping or researching a festival. In Years 9 and 11 pupils may have the opportunity to travel to the target language country. Disadvantaged students are actively supported by the school to participate in these trips.
Paul Girardot, Principal at Dartmouth Academy said:
“ At Dartmouth Academy we believe it is so important that our pupils understand the value of studying other languages and learning about other cultures and I am delighted that we currently have Merit studying with us.”
Matthew Shanks, CEO of Education South West said:
“Everyone at Education South West is so proud of the great work staff at Dartmouth Academy are doing to teach young people about the economic and cultural value of speaking another language. It was lovely to hear about Merit and I hope she enjoys the rest of her time in Dartmouth.”