5 Benefits of online tutoring
With so many students confined to home learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic, age-old educational techniques had to take a backseat, and newer teaching methods had to be discovered. While there was always some form of online learning and education, the shift to a wholly online system shocked many young learners and parents.
While many children are quick to learn and adapt to new teaching techniques, several found difficulties in coping with the learning methodology and approach change. With this sudden transition came the challenges in bridging the gap that learners started to face with understanding the syllabus, coping with the new technology, and adapting to a new schedule and style of teaching and learning.
Parents soon realized that children needed the aid and assistance of online tutors. While online tutoring has been around for several years, most parents only noticed this during the last two years. As technology opened up, the possibilities for parents to get excellent specialized tutors became a reality. Now, online learning and getting the aid of tutors is easily accessible.
Let us look at five benefits of online tutoring.
- Improves Academic Performance:
Online tutors assess students skills, their coping mechanisms and help with tools, techniques, and tricks to get excellent grades. Online tutors also help with personalized attention and bridge the gaps in understanding so that children can grasp concepts quickly. For example, a well-qualified GCSE maths tutor online can help with all the sums, problems, theorems, formulae and more, that many students find difficulties grasping. Similarly, a chemistry tutor online can help with balancing chemical equations, understanding different chemical processes, memorizing chemical formulae and more.
Online tutoring in specific subjects helps students grasp concepts quickly and apply them to their school learning through exams and assessments. As a result, academic performance and grades improve drastically. It’s worth looking on sites like Tutorspot for a range of subject teachers.
- Customized Tutoring:
Children need customized tutoring to help with complex subjects like maths, physics, chemistry, biology, and botany. Some also need extra tutoring for languages and social sciences. Depending on the child's needs, there are excellent tutors available for each subject matter. These tutors offer customized learning experiences that aid children with understanding and application.
Online tutors also aid children in navigating through complex assignments, teach them how to safely access library databases, use the references correctly, and apply these learnings to their schoolwork.
- Interactive and Innovative:
Practising in a virtual environment allows students to use multiple software, technology, and e-learning resources. They become familiar with Dropbox, cloud-sharing software, whiteboards, collaborative tools, interactive problem-solving aids, online quizzes, time-based assessments and assignments, and more. They also become more tech-savvy, which is excellent at coping with the multiple resources they have at school.
Online tutoring is the best solution for engaging children with and without learning disabilities. Digitally-oriented children get to broaden their horizons, while those who need an adjustment period get to learn at their own speeds. Online tutors do not rush children to keep up with others (unlike school teachers) since these tutors are focused only on one child and not an entire classroom. Innovative solutions help with the experiential learning that online tutors can provide. They also aid all children in flourishing at their own pace.
- Home Convenience and Safety:
As the Covid-19 pandemic is still not over, many parents are apprehensive about their children learning in an environment that requires physical proximity. Online tutoring is the best solution to this. Children get to learn and complete their education from the comfort and safety of their homes without jeopardizing their own health or the lives of those around them. Since schools are not known to be the best safest places for pandemics, and the UK government taking all the necessary steps to control the spread, it is best to ensure that children get all the help they need from the safety of their homes.
Tutors also do not need to risk their health for their students, and online tutoring also cuts travel time and costs.
- Affordable Learning:
Online tutoring is far more affordable than private tuition. It also offers a better approach to tutors with experience and qualifications than just those in your vicinity. The UK has excellent tutors throughout, and with online tutoring, these tutors are made available to your child without burning a hole through your pocket.
Most online tutoring sites have excellent packages, with multiple tutors, reviews, and teaching methods to help you select and finalize the best learning style for your child. The tutoring can be for the entire month, semester, or year depending on the learner's needs. It is best to select a tutor based on the experience, reviews, and years of teaching experience.