Braving the shave raises over £1,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support
A Plymstock woman is feeling the cold a bit after shaving her head to raise fund for a cancer charity.
Gail Walker, audiologist assistant at Specsavers ‘braved the shave’ in aid of Macmillan outside the Plymstock store.
Gail says: ‘I am so grateful to everyone who has given me support and donated money to raise funds for a really worthwhile charity. This is nothing compared to what cancer sufferers and their families go through. So I hope that by losing my hair, just for a short time will help highlight a very worthwhile cause’.
Gail adds: ‘I also feel that my family has been really lucky. My Mum had cancer on her kidney, that was operated on and she has just had the all clear for another year. My Dad has just had a skin cancer removed from behind his ear. We are waiting on results but it’s looking good. Other people and families are not as lucky as we are and that’s why I wanted to do this’.
Audiologist director, Mike Hobbs and store director Dr Josie Forte say: ‘We are so proud of Gail and her amazing achievement. It takes a lot of courage to shave your hair off but she has smashed her fundraising target and raised a huge amount of awareness for Macmillian support’.
You can support Gail at, https://bravetheshave.macmillan.org.uk/shavers/gail-walker