Zooming in on Business Electricity: Addressing Emissions Concerns

Sarah Parker
Authored by Sarah Parker
Posted: Thursday, April 27, 2023 - 09:52

The expansion of the global electrical sector is a major contributor to emissions of greenhouse gases, and corporations are a major reason for this. As businesses grow and expand, their electricity usage rises, resulting in more emissions. 

Handling emissions concerns associated with corporate power is critical to minimizing climate change and its environmental impact. We will look at the emissions related to commercial power as well as ways that businesses can employ to reduce their emissions.

Understanding Commercial Electricity Emissions

Electricity is used for many things in businesses, like lighting, heating, and running machines. However, the electricity they use has a carbon footprint. Business electricity's carbon footprint comprises emissions from a variety of sources, according to this resource, including fossil fuel generation and transmission losses.

The major contributor to emissions from corporate power is fossil fuel generation. Coal, oil, and natural gas power plants are major contributors to atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Electricity is delivered across vast distances from power plants to businesses, and some energy is lost along the way, which contributes to emissions.

Understanding corporate power emissions requires an understanding of the carbon footprint concept. The entire greenhouse gas emissions connected with a product, service, or activity are referred to as the carbon footprint. Calculating a company's carbon footprint can help one understand their emissions and devise measures to help in minimizing them.

Techniques for Reducing Commercial Electricity Emissions

Using renewable energy sources like wind and solar can help businesses reduce their negative effects on the environment. When a company decides to invest in renewable energy, it can lead to many good things, such as lower carbon emissions, lower costs, and a better public image.

Yet, there are obstacles and restrictions involved with the acquisition of renewable energy. The high initial expenses of building renewable energy systems, as well as the limited availability of renewable energy sources in some places, are examples of this.

Ways to Improve Energy Efficiency

Implementing energy efficiency measures is another way for businesses to lower their electrical emissions. Improving building insulation, utilizing energy-efficient lighting, and upgrading to energy-efficient appliances are all examples of energy-efficiency initiatives.

A company can save a lot of money and reduce its carbon footprint by implementing energy efficiency techniques. But putting these measures into place may have some upfront costs, and some organizations may have trouble finding the right ways to save energy.

Carbon Offsets

Carbon offsetting is a business practice in which companies make up for the pollution they cause by investing in projects that reduce pollution in other places. A company can make up for its emissions by investing in forestry or renewable energy projects in poor countries.

Carbon offsetting offers both advantages and disadvantages. The benefits include the ability for enterprises to offset their emissions rapidly and affordably. Concerns regarding the effectiveness and accountability of carbon offset schemes are among the downsides.

Collection, Use, and Storage of CO2 (CCUS)

Carbon capture, use, and storage, or CCUS, is a process that takes carbon dioxide from power plants and other industrial operations and stores it. CCUS has benefits like reducing emissions and letting industries keep using fossil fuels while at the same time reducing their carbon footprint.

Unfortunately, research on CCUS technology is still in its early stages, and putting it to use is hard. There are problems with CCUS technology, such as high costs to implement it and a lack of infrastructure and policies to help it be used.

Renewable Energy Procurement

You can easily harness the power of natural resources like the sun, wind, water, and the earth's thermal energy. Some of the benefits of buying renewable energy are fewer carbon emissions, lower energy costs, a better reputation for the brand, and a competitive edge. However, obtaining renewable energy can be difficult because it is expensive up front, does not produce energy continuously, and lacks the necessary infrastructure and technical assistance.

Efforts to reduce energy usage while preserving or improving performance are referred to as energy efficiency measures. Businesses can undertake energy saving measures such as upgrading to energy-efficient lighting, installing programmable thermostats, introducing energy management systems, and enhancing building insulation.

Carbon Offsetting

By funding carbon-reduction projects, businesses can "offset" their own carbon emissions through a system called "carbon offsetting.". Carbon offsetting has benefits like lowering a company's carbon footprint, helping to fund projects that use renewable energy, and promoting corporate social responsibility. Carbon offsetting has some drawbacks, such as not being able to reduce carbon in real time, the possibility of carbon offsetting projects that can't be trusted, and the risk of greenwashing.

Carbon Capture, Use, and Storage

(CCUS) technology takes in carbon dioxide from industrial processes and stores it underground or for profit. CCUS has benefits like cutting down on carbon emissions and opening up new business opportunities. The downsides of CCUS include high costs, technological problems, and the chance that it could hurt the environment.

The government's initiatives to lower carbon emissions from the electricity industry are referred to as "policy" and "regulation," respectively. The Renewable Portfolio Standard, which mandates a certain share of energy come from renewable sources, and the Carbon Tax, which penalizes businesses financially for emitting carbon, are two policies and regulations that can drive reductions in emissions from business electricity.

In Summary

Finally, in order to accomplish their sustainability goals, minimize energy costs, and comply with regulations, businesses must address emissions concerns associated with electricity consumption. 

The main ways to lower emissions are to buy renewable energy, improve energy efficiency, buy carbon offsets, use CCUS technology, and change policies and laws. 

Companies must do something and put these plans into action if they want to reduce their carbon footprint and help make the future more sustainable.