Upskill struggle could be eased by online education
Employers could face an upskill struggle when recruiting for the roles available in a changing job market, set to grow by around 37% in the South West, according to CBI predictions.
The National Careers Council says over half of employers are not confident they will find sufficient recruits for jobs on offer. Growth is expected in sectors such as computer technology, tourism and healthcare, with decline anticipated in areas such as call centre, secretarial and banking employment.*
Graduates will be in higher demand as the job market picks up, with 30% of employers expecting to take on more graduates in the next 12 months.**
Online distance learning specialist, RDI, believes upskilling is key for those in the South West seeking employment and higher job satisfaction. Over half of UK employers cite additional qualifications as a fast-track route to either pay increase or promotion.
‘Learning while earning’ is an attractive option for those seeking qualifications, or new skills that will enable them to find employment in growing sectors of the job market experiencing worker shortages. There is no need for career breaks while studying, enrolment is possible throughout the year and tuition fee loans are available, despite fees being significantly lower for online distance learning courses.
In the South West, around one in six people have 2 A Levels or the equivalent, but no degree ***. With degrees for undergraduates and MBAs, BTEC Level 7 Diplomas and Masters qualifications available through online distance learning, the chance to upskill should not be overlooked.
But RDI fears that many mistakenly believe they won’t qualify for enrolment on the right courses.
Dr Philip Hallam, CEO of RDI, said: “Upskilling is going to be massively important to developing job market and the flexibility that online learning presents makes it an attractive route. The problem is that many people in employment looking for a qualification-led career boost think they aren’t suitable or qualified to study for a degree or masters, when in fact they are. In most cases, courses do take into account relevant workplace experience and pair this with other qualifications to assess eligibility.”
Although the CBI predicts job creation in all UK regions, the low level of skills is seen as the greatest workforce threat to UK competitiveness.