Speaker of the House to open City College business event
An event being held in Plymouth next month looking at EU legislation and how it affects businesses, will include a discussion panel of high-profile experts and an opening presentation from the Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow.
The event is being held at lunchtime on Friday 19 April 2013 at City College Plymouth and will give local business leaders the chance to engage in discussions around how the European Union and its regulations impact on businesses in the UK. It is being sponsored by the European Parliament.
The European Union is one of the largest democratic assemblies in the world and plays an increasingly important role in the development of national policy and legislation. This relates to virtually all areas of legislation including employment, consumer affairs, transport, health and education.
Commenting, Dr Adam Marshall, Director of Policy at the British Chambers of Commerce, said:
“Our research shows that British businesses do not want further integration with the EU. Although only a small proportion of firms hold extreme views on whether to leave or stay, nearly half of companies say they want a renegotiated, ‘looser’ membership within the European Union.
“Nearly four decades after Britain joined the European Community, it is astonishing that British firms seem to feel that the balance of advantage of EU membership is lessening. Businesses are pragmatic: they want to be part of a European single market, but only if it delivers real and open access for British goods and services. “
Next month’s discussion panel has been organised by Plymouth Chamber of Commerce and is part of a programme of events being held for local businesses throughout 2013 in celebration of the Chamber’s 200th anniversary.
The experts sitting on the discussion panel will include: Dr Adam Marshall, Policy Director at British Chambers of Commerce; Tim Jones, Chair of the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Network and Julia Girling, MEP at the European Parliament.
Speaker John Bercow will open the event, with a presentation which will cover the work of European institutions at Westminster, innovations such as the Backbench Business Committee and how European issues can be raised by MPs.
The panel discussion will then proceed, facilitated by Plymouth Chamber’s own Chief Executive, David Parlby.
Julie Girling MEP said:
"I am delighted to be involved in the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce panel discussion on Europe. Presently there is a huge appetite for debate and discussion about our future within the European Union and some real concerns from business about the consequences of any potential exit. The opportunity to engage with businesses from Plymouth and beyond is imperative as it enables open discussion regarding the pros and cons of membership and also, the opportunity to discuss potential options for renegotiation."
David Parlby of Plymouth Chamber of Commerce said:
“We are very pleased to have secured such a distinguished panel of experts, who have a wealth of knowledge and expertise. European legislation is part of everyday life and business for us all as it greatly affects the law-making in our country. This event is an exclusive opportunity for the Plymouth business community to partake in some lively debates around European policies which directly affect them.”
To register an interest in attending the event, contact Plymouth Chamber of Commerce Events Manager, Suzi Cumberland: 01752 273 885 or events@plymouth-chamber.co.uk