RLA launches new Local Authority Network
The RLA has launched its new-look Local Authority Network, a unique and easy-to-use resource that helps bring landlords and local authorities closer together.
With local and national government rules changing in what seem like the blink of an eye, it is not surprising that many landlords are confused about their obligations.
This is where the Local Authority Network comes in.
The site acts as a one-stop-shop, offering landlords all they need to know about rules and regulations affecting the PRS in their area.
Landlords can use it to find out how to contact their local authority, to access details of any licensing schemes in force or being proposed, any open consultations, details of their nearest RLA courses and local housing news.
At the same time, it offers England’s 418 local authorities a platform to communicate with the RLA’s 30,000 strong army of landlords – specifically those local to them.
The Local Authority Network is the perfect tool to open often long neglected channels of communication and also allows local authorities to post details of their own events, news and surveys.
There is no waffle, no searching through hundreds of web pages, no automated call lines, everything a landlord needs to know is there, all in one place. To access the information, they simply type the relevant local authority name into the website.
RLA chairman Alan Ward said: “The pressure on landlords is greater than ever before, with a wide range of licensing schemes, planning restrictions and localised rental standards in place across the country.
“The Local Authority Network offers a simple no-nonsense way for landlords to check licensing schemes and other regulations in their area, while allowing the local authority to communicate directly with the landlords it needs to reach.
“An informed landlord is a good landlord and good landlords supply safe and secure rental homes for those who need them. In return for this they in deserve the support of their local council.”
The new-look Local Authority Network was launched at the 2017 Local Government Association Conference in Birmingham.
The Residential Landlords Association was the only housing organisation at the three-day event in the second city, where the team met with representatives from every local authority in England and Wales. Updated Wales pages are currently under development.
To visit the Local Authority Network click here.
Any local authorities who would like more information about the Local Authority Network should contact India Cocking, the RLA’s dedicated local government policy officer at lanetwork@rla.org.uk