Third-party reporting for hate crime launches in Plymouth
Over twenty organisations have partnered with Devon & Cornwall Police to support the 'third party reporting' scheme whereby anyone being subjected to hate crime can make anonymous reports without going directly to the police. The service can be used by the victim themselves and by others reporting on their behalf, such as parents, neighbours, friends and carers.
A trial in the city undertaken earlier this year confirmed that there is significant under-reporting of hate crime. This is often due to lack of confidence in the system; embarrassment; fear of repercussions and victims being unaware that the targeted hate is a crime.
Third-party reporting has been developed to help overcome these barriers and provide a simple process for victims, as well as ensure anonymity if the victim prefers.
Chief Superintendent Andy Boulting, who heads policing across Plymouth, said “I am delighted to welcome this new initiative. Under-reporting of hate crime has been a concern and worry for far too long. It inhibits our ability to safeguard and support current and future victims and also masks the true extent of the challenges we face in a city and society. An effective and straightforward third-party reporting mechanism is fundamental to addressing our response to hate crime.
“By enlisting the help of community advocates and third parties to obtain details of such crimes, we will be able to support victims, prevent crime and do all we can to make sure we achieve positive outcomes”.
When reports of hate crimes are made to third-parties, the information enables Devon & Cornwall Police to capture what is going on and respond accordingly to prevent future offences and ensure that a clear picture emerges of the true level of such crimes. Personal details are not required should the victim choose to remain anonymous.
“By using third-parties, we can ensure that those; who for cultural or other reasons, do not want direct contact from the police can still get hate incidents reported and get to know what has happened to their complaint through a third-party.
“Thank you to all those who have agreed to work with us on this important issue,”said Chief Superintendent Boulting.
Hate crime is where a crime is motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence.
Third-party reporting centres in Plymouth
1st Stop - 01752 304321
British Red Cross - 01752 831600
Brook Housing Ltd - 01752 230185
Devon and Cornwall Refugee Support - 01752 265952
Havencare (South West) Ltd - 01752 251476
Intercom Trust - 01752 210454
Open Doors International Language School - 01752 258771
Open Hearts Open Borders (OHOB) – 07912 294122
Out Youth - 01752 312546
Plymouth and Devon Racial Equality Council - 01752 224555
Plymouth Central Library - 01752 305900
Plymouth Hope - 01752 957510
Plymouth Kurdish Community - 01752 710244
Plymouth People First - 01752 753713
Pride in Plymouth (CIC) 07935 306029
Ridleys, Plymouth Guild - 01752 776775
Romanian Society – 07475 078025
Scope Ltd - 01752 221002
Students and Refugees Together (START) - 01752 255200
Suzanne Sparrow Plymouth Language School - 01752 222700
The Eddystone Trust - 01752 254406