Share your views on Forder Valley transport improvements
Plymouth City Council is inviting people to share their views on proposals to improve the transport network in the Forder Valley area.
Two schemes are being proposed: a new link road between William Prance Road in Derriford and the junction of Forder Valley Road and Novorossiysk Road and improvements to Forder Valley Roundabout.
The north of Plymouth is set grow significantly over the next 15 years. The Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan has identified this area to deliver 4,300 new homes and a new district centre providing new shops, community and leisure and health facilities. Key infrastructure, including the two Forder Valley schemes, will unlock this growth and help to provide major improvements for the north of the city.
The Forder Valley Link Road will reduce delays and unreliable journeys between the A38 and Derriford, providing an additional route from the east to the north avoiding the often heavily congested Manadon Roundabout and the A386 Tavistock Road. It will also provide essential infrastructure that will allow new developments in the Derriford area to come forward.
The new link will make it easier to get to key destinations such as Derriford Hospital, the University of St Mark and St John and Plymouth Science Park, improve bus journey times and provide safer walking and cycling routes.
It will also include a new area of recreational land, an extension of the nearby Local Nature Reserve and links from the new road to paths within the planned Derriford Community Park, connecting local residents and road users with the natural environment.
Proposals for Forder Valley Roundabout include extending the short merge from the roundabout heading northbound on Forder Valley Road and creating an additional traffic lane on the southbound approach and on the roundabout itself. This scheme will improve traffic flow as well as pedestrian crossings and on-road cycling facilities.
People will be able to view and comment on the plans at three consultation events:
Windsor House, Tavistock Road
Saturday 1 October, 10am to 2pm
Elm Community Centre, Leypark Drive
Tuesday 4 October, 10am to 7pm
Crownhill Library, Cross Park Road
Thursday 6 October, 3pm to 7pm
Council officers and members of the design team will be on hand to answer any queries.
The next step for the Forder Valley Link Road will be to develop a business case for approval by the Department for Transport, which has earmarked £22.5m towards the £33.5m scheme. If the plans are approved construction is expected to get under way around January 2018 and take around two years. Most of the construction will take place off the existing highway, minimising disruption.
The improvements at Forder Valley Roundabout are estimated to cost around £7.9 million and a bid for some of this funding has been submitted to Highways England.