Plymouth Plan website launches
A new interactive Plymouth Plan website has been launched which is designed to help users get to the issues they are interested in just by clicking.
Plymouth Plan Part One has now been approved and the site, which sets out how we want the city to be by the year 2031, is now live to look at.
Cabinet member for Planning and Infrastructure, Councillor Mark Coker said: “The Plymouth Plan has been a massive project to get the big picture of how we want Plymouth to be. We wanted the plan in one place that people can access from home and from work, but needed to make easy to navigate as well as keeping it simple and informative.
“It works on many levels. Developers can click through to pages detailing policy that will be relevant to them. Investors can see how we plan to grow the city and keen sportsmen and women will be able to click onto policies which set out how we will support our champions as well as our grassroots teams and those who want to keep fit.”
The interactive site has been developed by local gaming company Mutant Labs.. Neighbourhood planning manager Hannah Sloggett added: “We wanted to make it funky and fun but also get some pretty important information across.
“We are keen to help people see the link between having a plan and seeing change on the ground. It is not always easy to see the connection but the major and incredible regeneration at Millbay for instance, would not happen with having a plan in the first place. We want people to get involved right from the start.”
The whole site is linked to Twitter and Facebook and people will be able to share and like information.
To access the site visit: www.theplymouthplan.co.uk
Part Two of the Plymouth Plan consultation is now underway which looks at land across the entire city and some of the suggestions for their use.
The Plymouth Plan team has put together eight toolkits covering different areas which looks at land across the city and asks people to think about possible uses for it in years to come.
To help, residents can also look at lots of facts and figures for their area. All information published about the Plymouth Plan and the toolkits covering each of the areas is on www.plymouth.gov.uk/plymouthplan and comments can be made online.
A team will be at the City Market every Friday morning and events are being set up around the city.
Comments can also be made on the Plymouth Plan Facebook page, on Twitter @PlymouthPlan or via email plymouthplan@plymouth.gov.uk
Paper copies of all the toolkits will be available in all our libraries as well as 1st Stop Shop.
Anyone interested in setting up a consultation event should get in touch with pop@zebra.coop who are offering free training on how best use the toolkits with local groups.