Plymothians champion team spirit
Plymouth has emerged as one of the UK’s most driven cities, with over a quarter saying they feel motivated at work every day, and an impressive 54 per cent believe their team operates to its full potential.
Exploring motivation levels and ways of working in businesses, the nationwide survey, conducted by Argos for Business, reveals that employees in Plymouth value teamwork above everything else. 57 per cent enjoy working closely with colleagues, and one in ten names their teammates as their main motivator during the nine to five.
The research also divided the nation into eight workplace personalities, and reveals that over a third of people in Plymouth identify themselves as ‘Captain Questions’ – an ambitious individual who thrives in a team environment, asking questions and communicating with colleagues in order to complete tasks.
When asked how employees in Plymouth keep the team spirit alive, 39 per cent said they actively motivate fellow team mates by providing helpful hints, while taking the time to listen to ideas (31 per cent) and focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses (25 per cent) also prove to be common motivational tactics.
To inspire passion and appreciation across the country’s workforce, Argos for Business is hosting Employee Motivation Day 2016 on Thursday 25th February, an important annual event that encourages all organisations to put motivation to the forefront of business thinking and champions creative ways of engaging staff.
The research reveals the impact of praise and recognition in the workplace, with a personal ‘thank you’ by a manager or director identified as the top motivational factor in helping all UK employees achieve more in their careers.
Verbal recognition from a peer ranked far higher across the board (33 per cent) than performance related bonuses, or extra holidays, which motivated only seven per cent of Brits. Verbal praise is the most motivational for millennials (individuals aged 16 – 24) in particular, with two fifths preferring positive feedback to financial rewards, which only drives a mere three per cent of younger employees.
Emma Glennon, Head of Key Clients at Argos for Business, says: “Employee Motivation Day is the perfect opportunity to recognise the work produced by individuals and teams in the workplace. Nearly half of all employees feel a strong sense of accomplishment when their efforts are praised, which will improve motivation levels and impact on productivity.
“While Plymouth is proven to have a driven workforce that thrives in a team environment, businesses should still take the time to recognise the ongoing contribution an individual makes to a team, sustaining their feeling of motivation at work. Motivational strategies need not cost the Earth – simply being thanked for a job well done resonates with British workers.
“On Thursday, 25th February, we hope that individuals at all levels, from operational staff to managers and directors, will ask themselves if they have a motivated workforce around them – and consider what impact they can have on their colleagues’ motivation levels.”
Employees and employers can get involved in National Employee Motivation Day by downloading the motivation resource pack from www.employeemotivationday.co.uk, or by visiting the dedicated Facebook and Twitter pages, using the hashtags #EmployeeMotivationDay #EMD #MakeTheTeam and #NatMotivateDay.
For more information about Argos for Business please visit www.argosforbusiness.co.uk