New Lord Mayor Designate announced
Councillor Sam Davey has been Stoke ward councillor since 2012 and was Deputy Lord Mayor 2016/17.
Originally from Sunderland, where he served as a Police Constable in the Northumberland Police Force and a deck officer in the Merchant Navy, Councillor Davey moved to Plymouth in 1979 to attend the School of Maritime Studies.
He liked Plymouth so much that he decided to settle here, working at the Marine Biological Association, Blue Circle Cement, the Child Support Agency and finally at the Faculty of Art at Plymouth University before retiring in 2014.
His daughter Bethan Davey will be the Lady Mayoress for the year. The 26-year-old has a BA in Sports Development and Coaching and her career includes being a play ranger, a residential house tutor, a hockey coach at Plymouth College and a deputy manager at Dawlish Leisure Centre.
Councillor Davey said: “As an ‘adopted’ Plymothian, I am honoured and proud to be asked to be the next Lord Mayor. It was my maritime connection which first brought me to Britain’s Ocean City and I realised very quickly that it was the place I wanted to live in and raise a family.
“I am looking forward to representing this great city and meeting its brilliant people; in particular those unsung heroes who work in or support the large number of voluntary organisations and charity groups; those who contribute to culture and sport across the city; and those who look after the health, wellbeing and safety of us all.”
Current Lord Mayor Councillor Wendy Foster said: “Being Lord Mayor is an honour and a privilege and I wish Councillor Sam Davey all the best for when he takes on the new role.”
Councillor Sam Davey will take over as Lord Mayor from Councillor Wendy Foster in May 2018.