Lawyers urged to join will writing charity drive
Lawyers across the UK are being urged to raise money for charity by writing wills as part of a national month-long drive.
Legal firms are being asked to sign up to Will Aid Month, which takes place across the country from 1-30November 2016.
The programme relies on solicitors to pledge their time and support for the cause which sees them provide the Will writing service for free in return for a voluntary donation to charity from their client.
The cash raised is split between nine of the UK’s best-loved charities.
Peter de Vena Franks, campaign director for Will Aid said: “Will Aid 2015 was a fantastic success but we are really hoping 2016 will surpass that.
“We want this year to be bigger and better than ever before.
“Solicitors raised huge amounts of money in 2015, but we want even more solicitors to sign up to and donate their time, so we can help more and more people get their finances in order.
“Having a Will is one of the most important, yet easiest things to tick off the to-do list and our charities benefit as a result!”
Solicitors who take part meet new clients and get the opportunity to promote their business throughout the campaign period.
Last year Will Aid raised more than £1million for charity.
Across the UK, Will Aid Solicitors and their clients have contributed more than £17 million in donations and an estimated £95 million in legacy pledges since the campaign was founded more than 25 years ago.
The campaign is proud to have helped more than 300,000 people to write a proper will with a professional solicitor.
As well as helping people to protect their loved ones by writing a Will, Will Aid transforms the lives of thousands of people whose lives are characterised by deprivation, isolation and poverty.
For more information about Will Aid visit the website at www.willaid.org.uk