Electoral canvass teams visiting homes in the city
Over two thirds of Plymouth’s households have responded so far in the Council’s annual electoral canvass, which checks that the right people are registered to vote at each address. Forms were posted in August to over 100,000 households across Plymouth.
From 20 October teams of canvassers will be visiting the households that haven’t responded yet and helping them to do so in person.
Checking details and responding is a legal requirement for all households – even if there are no changes to make. This will ensure that the electoral register is up-to-date when it is published in December.
Council Chief Executive Tracey Lee said: “It is vital that residents speak to the canvassers if they come to visit their homes. We have a duty to check that we have the right information for each household.
“Doing these visits is essential to make sure that everyone entitled to vote is able to.”
It is still possible for households to respond to their enquiry forms before a canvasser visits them. The quickest and easiest way to respond is online at www.householdresponse.com/plymouth. You can also respond by text, phone or post – full details are included with the form.
Anyone who needs help can drop in at the city centre 1st Stop or a local library. If they have any questions or have lost their form they can call the Council’s electoral services team on 304866 or 304936. More information is available at www.plymouth.gov.uk/vote