Don't let thieves steal your Christmas
Devon and Cornwall police are reminding people during the busy run up to Christmas to keep their possessions safe from opportunist thieves. Officers will be working closely with partners in the community to roll out a number initiatives over the coming weeks.
People are advised to protect their Christmas purchases by storing them out of sight, so burglars aren’t tempted to steal them.
Detective Sergeant Chris Tapley from Devon and Cornwall Police said: “Burglary is a serious and invasive offence which has a devastating impact on victims. You can make a big difference keeping your home and car safe from burglary, by taking just a few simple steps.”
Here are some top tips to help prevent your home from being burgled this Christmas:
- Lock your vehicles and close windows
- Keep gifts out of sight
- Keep all windows and doors locked
- Don’t leave keys in locks especially near letterboxes or cat flaps (where burglars can get their hand through)
- Mark any valuable equipment appropriately (advice on http://www.devon-cornwall.police.uk/crime-prevention/) and register it on www.immobilise.com
- Leave radios or lights in your house on a timer to make the property appear occupied
- Keep ladders and tools stored away; don't leave them outside where they could be used to break into your home
Further information and advice about protecting your home and car this Christmas can be found at: http://bit.ly/1M61QqW
Members of the public can assist by providing information on burglary or reporting suspicious activity on 101 or alternatively on Crimestoppers 0800 555111
If you want to report a theft you can email: 101@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk or call 101 for non urgent crime. In an emergency call 999.