Crimebeat funding available in Devon
Applications are now open for groups and organisations across Devon to apply for cash grants of up to £3,000.
The Proceeds of Crime Act enables communities the opportunity to promote crime prevention and have a positive impact on vulnerable young people.
This funding comes from money recovered from criminal activity. Chief Superintendent Paul Davies, said: “I’m delighted to be able to support this initiative and ensure this money is put back into the community where it belongs.”
These projects must enhance the skills and personal development of vulnerable young people who are at risk of; offending, anti social behaviour, drug and alcohol abuse or school absenteeism.
There are three levels of grants available:
Grassroots Grants of up to £500. Only Grassroots Grants can be applied for by an individual on behalf of a project (please complete the application form and return by 11th March)
Connection Grants of up to £1,000 (If you wish to apply for a grant for a group or organisation please click here)
Action Grants of between £1,000 and £3,000 (If you wish to apply for a grant for a group or organisation please click here)
The deadline for the larger grants is in February but the expression of interest part closes on the 28th January. Grant making panel sit on the 21st of March.
For further information contact T/Chief Inspector Ryan Doyle: ryan.doyle@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk
Similar grants are available in Cornwall: http://www.cornwallfoundation.com/cornwall-crimebeat.html