Is your landlord a 'rogue' or 'in vogue'
The National Landlords Association (NLA) is asking tenants across the country if they can tell the difference between good and bad landlords, as part of their new campaign, Reinventing Renting.
Reinventing Renting looks at the characteristics and qualities of professional landlords and seeks to help tenants identify whether their landlord is a ‘rogue’ or ‘in vogue’.
The campaign also provides valuable support for landlords, helping them to improve their businesses and enhance their properties.
Carolyn Uphill, Chairman of the NLA said: “Landlords suffer from a poor case of perception in the media and the wider public despite the fact that the vast majority work hard to provide well-maintained homes and to keep their tenants happy.
“This is a serious issue for us but we wanted to have a bit of fun with it so we attempted to characterise some of the qualities that define a landlord that is ‘in vogue’ so tenants are better able to avoid the rogues who tarnish the reputation of the sector.
“We also find that a great number of people who let out property find it hard to identify as a landlord for a variety of reasons. We want to help them understand what qualities their tenants expect of them, while helping them professionalise the way they go about their business”.
See the NLA’s infographic – Qualities of a ‘Vogue’ Landlord, available at www.landlords.org.uk/reinventingrenting/vogueorrogue