Plympton school unveils plans for state-of-the-art sports pitch
A Plympton school is hoping to get a state-of-the-art sports pitch, and is applying for funding to the tune of £250,000.
If the Ridgeway School bid is successful, the money will be spent on a third-generation Football Turf Pitch (3G FTP) including fencing, floodlights and the upgrade of existing grass pitches.
Lisa Boorman, principal designate at the Moorland Road school said: "This is an exciting opportunity for Plympton, this new sporting development further underpins our commitment to our local community.
"With the provision of the 3G pitch, our growing student numbers, their families and the wider Plympton community are guaranteed a superb facility where they can enjoy football, whatever level they’re playing at."
Lee Rider, The South West Regional Facilities and Investment Manager at The FA said; “The FA and Devon County FA are working with Ridgeway School to develop a funding application to the Football Foundation to deliver a 9v9 size 3G FTP on the School site.
“The Plympton area has been strategically identified in the emerging ‘Plymouth Plan for Pitches’ as an area in need of a 3G FTP; It will provide an excellent facility for the local community”.
Gary Streeter MP for South West Devon is supporting the plans, he said: “I support the 3G proposals, they seem just the kind of facilities we need in Plympton, and I know the school will show great sensitivity to local residents.”
The school is holding a public consultation in the School main hall on 7th December at 5pm for residents and interested parties to view the 3G plans and ask questions.
Ridgeway School recently opened the new Plympton Community Sports Centre following successful funding from Sport England.
The school is also awaiting a response from the Government’s Priority Schools Building Programme (PSBP) that could see millions of pounds pumped into new buildings, refurbishments and facilities on the Moorland road campus.