People's Project Finalist - Battling On Inspiring Lives
Battling On CIC has been selected as a finalist for the West Country West region in this year’s Big Lottery People’s Project. The award is based on a public vote.
Battling On CIC has been working with armed forces veterans and vulnerable young people for the last 5 years.
Based on a care farm just outside Callington, the organisation offers wrap around support combined with education and relevant work experience. Armed forces veterans are trained as instructors and mentors, working with the young people to gain experience and act as positive role models.
The young people, many of whom have learning difficulties, disabilities and mental health disorders, engage in outdoor activities, workshops and volunteering experiences, all facilitated by the veterans. All participants, young people and veterans alike, are offered access to open-door counselling to learn to manage their issues.
Lewis was referred to Battling On through the Youth Offending Team. He had a history of arrests for violence and drug offences. After successfully completing the Battling On Together We
Can Succeed programme he has gone into full time education.
Rachel was referred to Battling On after being medically discharged from the Army. She was suffering from severe depression and complex medical needs which left her in a lot of pain, and was deemed to be at high risk of committing suicide. Rachel is now undertaking a Foundation Degree and has successfully transitioned into civilian Life.
Battling On’s Inspiring Lives project will support ex-military veterans who will be trained as instructors and volunteers, who have themselves overcome trauma. They will act as positive role models and run workshops, outdoor activities and volunteering activities for young people with learning difficulties, disabilities and mental health disorders, helping them to gain confidence to reduce their social isolation by mixing with others with similar difficulties.
You can support this valuable work by visiting our website www.battling-on.com and following the link to vote for The People’s Project.